Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Post 7: EOTO Com Tech Presentation- What I Learned

            Out of all the EOTO Technology presentations, the history of Google is what most stood out to me. Thinking about all the technology I use in my day to day life, I have to say that Google is something I would have a hard time not using. Even now at this moment, I'm using Blogger which is an extension of Google, while in a chrome browser. As someone who was born after the creation of Google in 2000, I'm not sure I could have gotten through school without the classic google search engine, it's so fundamental these days.

            What made me the most curious about Google is how some college students created a platform in the 21st century that rivaled Microsoft, and its well-known search browser, Internet Explorer. as they soon surpassed this Microsoft superpower in usage. As my peer's presentation went on I soon began to realize the versatility Google has through its many browser extensions like Gmail, docs, sheets, slides, etc. These extensions are part of what makes Google so lucrative. 

        In more recent times they've even turned to developing their own phone and even a platform for virtual learning. Google created the teaching site Google Classroom in 2014 and their phone Google Pixel by 2016. As Google continues to grow it should be interesting to see which ways they evolve and capitalize on technology. 

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