Thursday, October 15, 2020

Post 4- Anti War

                War is a highly controversial and contentious topic. Deciding to engage and take part in conflict is a major choice "rulers" and governments make. Referring to American history and our decisions to take part in foreign affairs, many are divided on whether or not it's a good idea. After the founding of our country, many wished to stay out of wars since we had just declared independence and fought our own war against Britain. Even our first President, George Washington was anti-foreign affairs and getting involved with other country's conflicts. When leaving office that was one of the things he warned against, not to get caught up with war and intervene with other country's issues and interests. Yet, regardless of that, not too late after Washington retired, America became involved in France's fight for independence. 

                Considering the state of our nation now and our involvement with countries globally, Washington would not be pleased. The U.S has become entangled in many disputes throughout the world that we had and have no had business getting involved in, specifically in the early 1900s, during WWI American citizens first began to hold anti-war sentiments. The general public disagreed with the government and their decision to become involved in WWI and so citizens began to speak out negatively, which only made the government upset. In response to anti-war sentiments, the government passed the 1917 Espionage Act which silenced Americans and punished anyone who spoke negatively against the government and America's involvement in the war. This being inherently unconstitutional created a lot of tension in the U.S and fear around whether or not citizens had power for their voices to be heard and respected. After all, one of the bedrock principles of our democracy is to be able to criticize the government without fear of relation, this concept is more widely known as a Market Place of Ideas.      

                 Over time, the Espionage Act was deemed unconstitutional and the government is no longer allowed to silence you or throw you in jail for speaking against it. Today America upholds Market Place of Ideas and freedom to have meaningful discourse and criticize those in power... however it is hard to find alternative voices and sources that aren't as mainstream. In the digital age, it can appear that there are only one-sided opinions and it can be difficult to find less popular opinions. This is almost done purposely, the government wants to make it harder for you to think for yourself and create your own ideas about things because they don't want you to have an opinion opposite of theirs. So, although the government isn't silencing people for their anti-war views, they are censoring and making those ideas harder to be heard and expressed. 


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