Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Post 5- Eight Values of Free Expression



              Within the freedom of speech and thought, there are eight main values of free expression, those being: Market Place of Ideas, Participation in Self Government, Stable Change, Individual Self Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. A crucial and fundamental part of being an American is the idea and belief of freedom of expression. The power to think and speak the way you want to without fear of government retaliation or censorship. Tying into that is the idea of promoting tolerance which explains that in societies where people are allowed to voice their opinions, even when they're unpopular "hurtful," the general public becomes more tolerant and accepting of hearing ideas even if they don't agree with them. 

              The ability to speak one's mind without repercussion for one's stance on a matter is a pillar of American ideals. It's the allowance of discourse between two opposing people that society can get a clear understanding of the sides and learn why one is inappropriate and should be ruled out, it's part of how a society is able to learn and grow with what's right and wrong. If a community didn't have the ability to express all ideas, those extremest thoughts would still be simmering under the surface until one day it comes to light and those negative and hurtful ideals "bubble over" and it's too late. But with Promoting Tolerance and allowing that freedom of speech society is able to get all ideas heard and expressed and then rule out the negative detrimental ones through spreading social norms that make something an outrageous concept that is condemned from society. 

                A real-life example of this can be seen in what's referred to as "Cancel Culture," which is society's way of having a check and balance for what is and isn't acceptable or tolerable. Many public figures have had their status fall due to this phenomenon. Its typically caused by acts that aren't necessarily illegal but are deeply frowned upon by the general public; so instead of celebrities facing legal percussions, they typically face a deficit socially in which brands, sponsorships, and publications will drop and try to distance themselves from the public figures especially if they have been associated in the past. Back in 2019, Saturday Night Live announced that comedian Shane Gillis would be joining the cast. Although shortly after the announcement, SNL quickly revoke his role on the shows as social media was blowing up with many inflammatory clips of Gillis's past stand up in which he makes a few off-color jokes poking fun at Chinese Americans and LGBTQ+ people. It was then that Shane Gillis was "canceled" and SNL released the following statement distancing and separating themselves from him to save their public image:

"We were not aware of his prior remarks that have surfaced over the past few days. The language he used is offensive, hurtful and unacceptable. We are sorry that we did not see these clips earlier, and that our vetting process was not up to our standard."- SNL




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